Forschungsschwerpunkt Translationale Neurowissenschaften Mainz


Prof. Dr. Raffael Kalisch , Head
(, 0049 (0) 6131 17-8419 or -4588)

Prof. Dr. Til Ole Bergmann, Deputy Head 
(, 0049 (0) 6131 7720)

Belinda Reder, NIC coordination and strategic management
(, 0049 (0) 6131 17-8419)

Kenneth SL Yuen , PhD, Imaging scientist
(, 0049 (0) 6131 17-6130)

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Dr. Benjamin Meyer , Imaging scientist
(, 0049 (0) 6131 17-8442)


Petra Seyfarth, MR technical assistant
(, 0049 (0) 6131 17-8418)


21. Januar 2021
Wolfgang Kelsch, Department of Psychiatry
Talk on “Neuroimaging in the mouse” on Teams...mehr
18. Januar 2021
Wolfgang Kelsch, Department of Psychiatry, on Teams
Talk on “Neuroimaging in the mouse”...mehr
18. Dezember 2020
Nikolaus Kriegeskorte, Columbia University
FTN seminar talk “Cortical representations” on Teams...mehr