Forschungsschwerpunkt Translationale Neurowissenschaften Mainz

This years NIC Christmas Party will be on Thursday December 6th, starting at 4pm. Please write to if you intend to come.

Gaby Lunansky will give a talk entitled: “Bouncing back from adversity: A novel outlook on psychological resilience and its indicators from a complex systems perspective” on Thursday November 29th at 12 in the seminar room in building 701.

Bianca Kollmann (Psychiatry) will present a new project called “Stress inoculation as possible mechanism for resilience” in the NIC Meeting on Wednesday November 14th at 12 in the seminar room in building 701.

Til Ole Bergmann (DRZ) will give a talk on “EEG-triggered TMS to study neuronal oscillations”. See you at 12 in the seminar room in building 701.


Laura Meine and Katja Schüler (Psychology Department) present their new study, “SPeCtRe – A Study of Perceived Control and Resilience” and apply for measurement time in the NIC Meeting on Thursday, August 2nd at 12 in the seminar room in building 701.

Julius Grenz and Philipp Horstmann (Psychiatry) will present their new project, the “PRG1-Fastenprojekt”, in the NIC Meeting on Thursday July 12th at 12 in the seminar room in building 701.

Florian Müller-Dahlhaus (Psychiatry) will give a talk on “Brain state dependent neuromodulation” in the NIC Meeting on Thursday May 3rd at 12 in the seminar room in building 701.

The next biennial meeting of the rmn² will take place in Oberwesel from June 13 to 15, 2018. Program and registration can be found here


Tanja Jovanovic (Emory University, USA) will give a talk on “Resilience in the Face of Trauma: The Role of Inhibitory Neural Circuits” on Wednesday April 25th at 12 in the seminar room in building 701.

Daniela Mier (CIMH Mannheim) will give a talk on “The human mirror neuron system as a common neural basis for social cognition” in the NIC Meeting on Thursday, March 22nd. The meeting will be at 12 in the seminar room in building 701.


21. Januar 2021
Wolfgang Kelsch, Department of Psychiatry
Talk on “Neuroimaging in the mouse” on Teams...mehr
18. Januar 2021
Wolfgang Kelsch, Department of Psychiatry, on Teams
Talk on “Neuroimaging in the mouse”...mehr
18. Dezember 2020
Nikolaus Kriegeskorte, Columbia University
FTN seminar talk “Cortical representations” on Teams...mehr